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Key Findings

Presented here are some of the key moments of our Biomod journey.

Take a look and read what you find interesting!

Cargobay Version 1 Synthesis


Key insights from these sets of experiments were that we, unexpectedly, did not see a difference in gel bands based on the different states the Cargo Bay design was in (ie locked, closed, and loose). We concluded that this may lead back to the large difference in mass between the unused scaffold and the barrel, which led to Cargo Bay Version 2.

Cargobay Version 1 Synthesis
TEM Analysis

TEM Analysis


Discover the power of TEM imaging in our research as we unveil the intricate details of our design and validate the presence of crucial features. Explore how this cutting-edge technique sheds light on the nanoscale world of CargoBay version 1.

Capturing Target Molecules


We had some success in our cargo bay demonstrating the ability to specifically target molecules which was exhibited through the capture of Cy3 fluorophores although we were unable to assuredly showcase the capture of AuNPs. However, throughout this investigation we were able to optimise the preparation of AuNPs to minimise aggregation and optimise the yield in addition to enhancing the visualisation of AuNPs by functionalising them with Cy5 fluorophores for subsequent experiments. 

Captuing Target Molecules
Functonality of the Hinges

Functionality of the Hinges

Our cargo bay proved to act just like its space shuttle counterpart being able to open its cargo bay doors, switching from its closed configuration to an open configuration. It was exciting to see the addition of our specifically designed invader strands carry out their intended function so successfully. This experiment also highlighted our improvement in the ability to visualise the capture of AuNPs.    

Cargobay Version 2 Synthesis

Cargobay Version 2 Synthesis

Our latest promising findings for our second design of a DNA origami nanostructure.


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